A ruler. A conqueror. Creator of all. Controller of all. At the end, it is only HE Who Remains.
- 6-INCH-SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE: Fans, collectors, and kids alike can enjoy this 6-inch He-Who-Remains action figure inspired by Marvel Studios on Disney Plus!
- INSPIRED BY MARVEL’S LOKI ON DISNEY PLUS: This He-Who-Remains figure features deco showcasing the character’s appearance as seen in Marvel Studios’ Loki on Disney Plus!
- FORBIDDEN FRUIT: This He-Who-Remains figure includes the apple the character holds during his appearance on the show!
- INCLUDES BUILD-A-FIGURE PART(S) (KHONSHU): Each Marvel Legends Disney Plus figure includes at least one Build-A-Figure piece. Collect all the figures to assemble an additional figure (Additional figures each sold separately. Subject to availability.)
- MARVEL UNIVERSE IN 6-INCH SCALE: Look for more Marvel Legends action figures inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe on Disney Plus! (Additional figures each sold separately. Subject to availability)
- A ruler. A conqueror. Creator of all. Controller of all. At the end, it is only HE Who Remains.
- Includes: figure, 1 accessory, and 1 Build-A-Figure Part
- Figure scale: 6 inches