Bloom: Garden Bloom, a delightful bunny straight out of a blossoming garden! Garden Bloom wears a sweet purple dress adorned with delicate embroidery, and a purple flower tucked in her ear, adding a charming touch to her ensemble. With soft cream-colored fur, embroidered face, and cute rosy cheeks, Garden Bloom’s presence is both endearing and heartwarming. Her dangly legs and oversized tail add a playful twist to her appearance, making her an ideal companion for imaginative adventures and cuddly moments.
Blossom: Garden Blossom, an adorable bunny straight from the heart of a blooming garden. Garden Blossom is dressed in a sweet pink dress adorned with floral embroidery, and she keeps a pretty pink flower tucked ever so charmingly in her floppy ear. With cream-colored fur, embroidered face, rosy cheeks, and dangly legs, Garden Blossom exudes a sense of warmth and endearment. But that’s not all – her oversized tail adds an extra dose of whimsy to her already loveable appearance.
- 15” tall
- Embroidered features
- 100% Polyester
- surface wash/spot clean